Wednesday, April 29, 2009

These Days

Minutes turn into hours the computer lap is open , but the operator has a way of messing about with the enter and change and freeze button of this computer world, so lets take it a step at the time ,where the light can brighten up ones day and makes the living worth being here
I am having a blast getting myself organized in a real disorganized way , Computer language is like a wild fuss of mambo jumbo to me and I LIKE IT, not understanding means to learn it , to explore its possibility and ride with it , flow with it until it opens up and lets me in


  1. you are finally on blogger world...don't worry, blogger is easy to operate and upload work as step and one day at a time, and you will soon be a blogger pro...I'm tuned in and very honoured to be your first fallower LOL...HUGSSS!!!

  2. So nice to be able to follow your art Vesna
    Thx Beautiful

  3. Thats cool dals...I'm going to send a few friends over to your blog :)
