Thursday, June 4, 2009

No Internet Time

The Highyena Striped won the highly commented Melville Art Award in Mixed Media
last Friday night.
A sign from above to NOT give up, keep going it is

I have been busy handing in my assignments for painting technology and Visual culture and art essays all week and have Digital media and feminism and studio practice to go
i hope i can post some of my Art soon , i just have been unable to get to the Internet for a view peaceful moments
Thank you for all of you who follow my blog, it means a lot to me, below my acrylic experiment on raw linen on boncrete prepared board, worked in with binder spreader and water atomizer


  1. CONGRATILATIONS on the commendation, that is FANTASTIC, and of course you should never give up and rob the world of your beautiful art Petra...when you have a minute, come over to my blog, I have an award for you too LOL...just copy the pic of award and than just upload it up on your blog the same as any other pic. I'm proud to award you your first BLOG AWARD - Love Vesna

  2. Congratulations X 2! Love this abstract. Wonderful colors and shapes.

  3. i really like this piece! i can imagine several things that it could be although i'm sure it is purely abstract. i like it when i can see hidden objects in abstract art.

    thanks for your kind words on my blog. i, too, struggle to get enough time on the internet. my full-time job is so demanding right now. take care and thanks for visiting.

  4. ooh that's awesome news! Hey your posts aren't coming up in my thingo so sorry for not coming by sooner!

  5. Hi Petra! Congratulations on your Highly Commended for your work Highyena Striped at the Melville Art Award.
    I've been away from blogosphere and internet too, so i am playing catch up!
    So nice to come across this news.
    Keep creating and never give up!
